About Us
Varco Heat Treating Company Division of Diversified Metallurgical Services, Inc.
It can be a simple brake drum for an earth mover, or an intricate exotic metal fastener for the space shuttle. It can be a 4 ton, one-off casting, or thousands of tiny parts. If it has to be heat treated, it has to be right. That's why Varco Heat Treating Company is in business.

Founded in 1908
Varco was the first commercial heat treater in Southern California. Today, as a division of Diversified Metallurgical Services, Inc., Varco is equipped to provide operating temperatures from 2150 degrees to -325 degrees Fahrenheit. Our equipment, operating procedures and inspection procedures have been certified by most aerospace manufacturers and Nadcap.
Since 1908 Varco's motto has been "There is no substitute for Quality." And, while we continue to pursue business competitively, we see no reason to change. There is still no substitute for Quality.